Corporate Governance
1. Policy on Corporate governance

Polyplex realizes the significance of good corporate governance and makes every effort to implement the Corporate Governance principles laid down by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The company has firm belief in transparency, accountability and ethical conduct in carrying out its operations. The Company adopts strict internal controls and audits in recognition of their importance. It also has several risk management policies, keeping in mind a good relationship and business ethic towards business partners, shareholders and all concerned parties.

2. Rights of shareholders

The Company recognizes the importance of equal rights of all shareholders and considers all the shareholders as owners of the Company irrespective of the percentage of shares owned.

The Company has a policy to report to shareholders regularly on progress of operations, either directly or through the Stock Exchange of Thailand or through information on its website after listing.

Shareholders will be given twenty-one days advance notice of all shareholder meetings, including the meeting agenda and related information. The shareholders would be encouraged to participate in the general meetings and their views and comments would be noted and followed up.

The shareholders also have the following rights which are exercised in the Annual Shareholding meetings:

  • Re-appointment of Directors retiring by rotation and approval of the Director remuneration
  • Approval of Auditor appointment and remuneration
  • Approval of dividend payment
3. Rights of stakeholders

Polyplex has always provided equal importance to the requirements of all its stakeholders as under:

  • Personnel: Company considers all its personnel to be valuable assets, critical to the success and growth of the organization. The Company is committed to providing a quality oriented work environment, with special emphasis on safety, along with fair and equitable remuneration. Apart from basic salary, Performance linked Bonus, Provident Fund contribution and Social Security Contribution, the Company also provides certain other benefits to its employees such as Overtime pay, Housing Allowance, Transport Allowance, Telephone allowance, Medical Insurance, Life Insurance coverage etc.
  • Business partners: It has always been the policy of Polyplex to develop long standing and growing relationships with all its business partners based on mutual benefit and guided by good business ethics. The company values the long-standing relationship with its business partners, whether it is the banks that support the trade finance and project financing requirements of the Company, or the strong Distributors/ Agent network across various parts of the globe, which help in market development and ensure smooth continuity of the business operations for the company.
  • Competitors: Polyplex always abides by the framework of fair competition and would work towards market development and growth to the mutual benefit of the industry.
  • Creditors: To abide by the loan covenants and provide all information about the progress of the Company to its creditors as may be required for smooth business dealings.
  • Customers: Polyplex is committed to creating customer satisfaction by ensuring consistency in the quality of its products and offering value proposition through its wide network, technical support and local sales personnel at each location. Polyplex has successfully adopted the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) concept while coming up with new-age packaging substrate solutions to reassert its environmental commitment and continually strive to manufacture sustainable products which can gain global acceptance.
  • Shareholders: Polyplex strives to conduct its business in a transparent and efficient manner with a view to constantly strive for improvement in operational efficiency and to enhance shareholder value. New project investments are evaluated prudently to ensure good returns and increase value to the shareholders.
  • Community/Society: Polyplex realizes and cares for the safety of society, environment and quality of life of people. It places priority on activities relating to the community and the society and also by compliance of applicable laws and regulations relating to the same. The company periodically organizes Blood donation camps and encourages employees to donate blood. Apart from this, the Company also contributes donations (cash and kind), from time to time, to organizations engaged in various community services.
4. Shareholders' meetings

The Company endeavors to organize the shareholders’ meeting with equitable treatment for all participants and in strict accordance with legal procedures, from meeting invitations, proxy form for those who are unable to attend the meeting, and distribution of meeting documents to inform all concerned of the meeting agendas. It is ensured that the meeting venue and time is convenient and the meeting session allows adequate time for shareholders to ask questions on business operations or voice their opinion.

5. Leadership and vision

The Board of Directors is the forum for review of plans, vision, strategies and key policies. Elaborate budgets have been formulated for all functional areas in the Company and a system of Key Result Areas (KRAs) has also been implemented for each department and individual as also at the corporate level to align interests and priorities across the organization. The Board of Directors would play a leading role in regular review of the actual operations vis-à-vis budgets.

6. Conflict of interest

The policy is based on the principle that any decision to be made by personnel at all levels in business operations must be in the best interest of the Company. It is the duty of all personnel to avoid any transactions and/or dealings which could result in financial losses to the Company and result in personal monetary benefit. The Audit Committee is entrusted to watch over and review the internal controls and audit function to ensure their efficiency and also ensure adequate disclosures to be made as per the SEC/SET guidelines.

7. Business ethics

Polyplex has a code of conduct for all personnel who emphasize observance of ethical practices, honesty and accountability. Responsibility towards all stakeholders and external agencies is encouraged in order to foster a good corporate culture and social responsibility.

8. Whistle Blower Policy

The Company is committed to adhere to the highest standards of ethical, moral and legal conduct of business operations. To maintain these standards, the Company’s Board has in February 2015, approved a Whistle Blower Policy which aims at encouraging its employees who have concerns about suspected misconduct to come forward and express these concerns without fear of punishment or unfair treatment. This policy aims to provide an avenue for employees who observe an unethical practice (whether or not a violation of law), to approach the Whistleblower Committee, which consists of 4 members, who are key functional heads of the organization and who will report to the Audit Committee about any complaints received by them.

9. Check and balance by non-executive directors

As at 31st May 2024, the Company has altogether seven directors as detailed below:

Status Executive Directors Non-Executive Directors Audit Committee
Shareholders' Representative Directors 1 3 -
Independent Directors - - 3
10. Integration or delegation of title and authority

The Chairman of the Board of Directors is an independent director and is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Managing Director is the CEO in charge of day-to-day operations and has specified powers with certain key decisions requiring approval by the Board of Directors.

11. Remuneration for directors and executives

The remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee is proposed to the Shareholder meeting for their consideration and approval. The Managing Director’s remuneration is fixed by the Board of Directors in discharge of duties as the CEO of the Company. The remuneration of the management is open for review by the shareholders who may set the appropriate policies and guidelines on this matter.

12. Board meetings

The meetings of the Board of Directors are usually convened at least once every quarter to review the operations / quarterly financial results and other matters.

There were four Board meetings conducted during the FY 2023-2024.

Name Position Attendance*
Mr. Manu Leopairote Board Chairman & Audit Committee Chairman 6/6
Mr. Shiraz Erach Poonevala Director & Audit Committee member 4/6
Mr. Sanjiv Saraf Director and Vice Chairman of Board 4/6
Mr. Ranjit Singh Director 2/6
Mr. Praphad Phodhivorakhun Director & Audit Committee member 5/6
Mr. Amit Prakash Managing Director 6/6
Mr. Iyad Malas* Director 1/1
Mrs. Sakhi Saraf# Director 5/5

* For meetings after appointment as Director w.e.f 9th November, 2023
# For meetings attended until resignation from the post of Director w.e.f 9th November, 2023

13. Supporting committees or sub-committees

The Board of Directors has recommended and shareholders have approved an Audit Committee consisting of three independent directors. The Audit Committee members have the requisite qualifications under the relevant SET rules & guidelines. The powers and allocation of work have been clearly defined by the shareholders and include review of internal control systems, review of financial reports, connected transaction or transaction involving conflict of interest. The term of the Audit committee is 2 years and may be renewed by the Board of Directors every 2 years. There were 4 Audit committee meetings held in FY 2023-24 and attendance of the members is as under:

Name Position Attendance
Mr. Manu Leopairote Board Chairman & Audit Committee Chairman 4/4
Mr. Praphad Phodhivorakhun Director & Audit Committee member 3/4
Mr. Shiraz Erach Poonevala Director & Audit Committee member 3/4
14. Internal control and audit system

The Board of Directors exercises control through setting of annual budgets and operational objectives, periodical review of which is done from time to time. Meanwhile, the Audit Committee oversees the internal controls and audit in the Company and suggests measures for improvement.

15. Board of Directors' report

The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company’s financial statements. As a part of the annual report, the directors have commented on the financial results of the Company.

16. Relationship with investors

The Company places significance on the timely disclosure of accurate information to its shareholders and investors. It participates in the SET Opportunity day every quarter to disseminate information about the Company and its operations to investors and analysts. The company also organizes factory visit for the shareholders, analysts and potential investors. As regards investor relations, the Company has a welldeveloped IR section in the company website. The Investors/ Analysts can also register their e-mail ID’s and receive an IR alert message, when any information is updated on the Company’s website. Further information regarding the Company may be obtained by contacting at tel. +66 26652706 - 8.

17. Measures to Prevent Use of Internal Information for Executives’ Personal Benefit

The Company is cognizant of the need for supervision of usage of internal company information by its directors and management for their own benefit. The directors and management who come to possess internal company information are not permitted to buy or sell the securities of the Company for a specified period prior to its announcement of operating results. Accordingly, guidelines have been formulated and approved by the Board and a Trading Window Closure period starting from first day of the quarter until 48 hours after announcement of operating results is applicable to all the Directors, Management of PTL and all Global Employees of PTL and its subsidiaries and they are strictly prohibited from trading in the Company’s share during this Window Closure period.